Chad Kidder

Chad Kidder has a passion for building high performing teams that solve challenging problems.  He received his BS and MS in electrical engineering from Texas A&M.  Chad is a member of Gamma Mu chapter of HKN. Since his graduation he has worked for large and small businesses, a university, and currently works at Marshall Radio Telemetry as the Director of Engineering.  He has spent his career working with sensors, from small embedded systems to large radar systems and from PCBs to system design.  He also consults at Curious System Solutions, LLC doing whatever sounds fun that people approach him with.  Chad is a licensed professional engineer in Texas.

Chad has a wonderful wife and four children.  When not working or spending time with his family, Chad is involved with IEEE and the Microwave Theory and Technology Society, serving as a trainer and mentor for leaders in the western US through various volunteer positions.  He is also on multiple IEEE committees focused on helping improve volunteer and members support through improving communications through the organization.  Chad has served in the community helping found a Boy Scout troop, neighborhood association, and served in various volunteer positions in his church and community.