Chapter Housing Point of Contact

Thanks the the generous support of the Samueli Foundation, HKN is pleased to be able to cover the cost of two nights for one hotel room for each Chapter (Up to four students can stay in one room.) and up to one room for each chapter’s Advisor(s). Chapters qualify for the Faculty Advisor room when their Faculty Advisor registers for the conference. HKN will cover the cost of two nights for one hotel room for a Chapter Faculty Advisor (This room is in addition to the student room.)

To take advantage of the provided hotel room for each chapter as well as the room for an attending Faculty Advisor, a point of contact must be identified prior to 13 September 2024. This point of contact will be asked to assign up to four (4) student registrants into the chapter’s hotel room as well as any chapter faculty advisors into the provided advisor room.

Thank you Chapters for registering a point of contact. Anyone planning to stay in the designated HKN room will need to be registered by October 11th the latest. You will receive an email on October 12th with further instructions.

Should you have any questions about the housing point of contact or the hotel logistics, please don’t hesitate to contact us at